速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny

Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny



檔案大小:8.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal(圖1)-速報App

-We Proudly release New Hindi Jokes collections.

-It consists lots of Hindi Jokes with different new

categories that you can not find out any other apps.

-Laughter is the best medicine, you share this hindi

jokes and make a smile on your face also by sharing

this hindi jokes to others you can make them feel


-This hindi jokes app contains following categories

-Miscellaneous Hindi Jokes

-Top 10 Rajnikant Hindi Jokes

-Class Room Hindi Jokes

-Doctor-Patient Hindi Jokes

-Funny Definations

Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal(圖2)-速報App

-Funny Quotes in Hindi

-Funny Hindi SMS

-Husband-Wife Hindi Jokes

-Kanjus Hindi Jokes

-Love Hindi Jokes

-Marriage Hindi Jokes

-Short Funny Hindi Jokes

-Pappu Jokes in Hindi

-Sharabi Jokes in Hindi

-Jyotishi Jokes in Hindi

-Masaledar Jokes

-Work-office Hindi Jokes

-This app contains offline Hindi Jokes collection for

Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal(圖3)-速報App

world users. Hundreds of new SMS are added

automatically in the app every updates.

Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal(圖4)-速報App
